How Long Does It Take to Read 220 Pages

Question construction.
- How long does it take?


- How long does it take by aeroplane from London to Madrid?
- It takes 2 hours.

- How long does it take by aeroplane from ... to ...?
- How long does it take past automobile from ... to ... ?

- Information technology takes two hours by aeroplane from ... to ... .
- It takes a long fourth dimension by motorcar from ... to ... .

  1. - How long does information technology take past train from London to Manchester?
  2. - It takes two hours past railroad train from London to Manchester.
  3. - How long does information technology have by car from your firm to the station?
  4. - It takes 10 minutes by motorcar from my house to the station.



will take


a week
a long time
iii hours


I started reading the book on Monday.
I finished information technology on Midweek evening.
It took me iii days to read it.

  1. How long does it take to fly from London to Madrid?
  2. Information technology takes a long time to learn a language.
  3. Information technology doesn't take long to cook an omelette.
  4. It takes me twenty minutes to go to piece of work.
  5. - I came by train. - Did yous? How long did it take (to get hither)?
  6. It took Tom an hour to practise his shopping.
  7. Did it accept you a long time to find a chore?
  8. How long volition it take me to learn to drive?
  9. It volition take u.s. an hr to cook the dinner.


Practice 1. How long does it have to do these things? Write full sentences.

  1. fly from your city/ country to London
    It takes two hours to wing from Madrid to London.
  2. fly from your city/ country to New York. ... ...
  3. study to exist a doctor in your country. ... ...
  4. walk from you lot dwelling house to the nearest store. ... ...
  5. get from your home to the nearest airoport. ... ...
  6. brand your own statement

Practise 2. Write questions with How long did it take ...?

  1. (She found a place to alive.) - How long did it take her to find a identify to live?
  2. (I walked to the station.) ... ...
  3. (He cleaned the windows.) ... ...
  4. (I learn to ski.) ... ...
  5. (They repaired the machine.) ... ...

Practise 3. Read the situations and write sentences with It took ...

  1. I read a book terminal week. I started reading it on Monday. I finished it 3 days later.
    It took me iii days to read the book.
  2. We walked domicile final dark. We left at ten o'clock and we arrived home at x.20.
    ... ...
  3. I learn to drive last year. I had my fist driving lesson in January. I passed my driving exam six month after.
    ... ...
  4. Marker drove to London yesterday. He left home at 8 o'clock and got to London at ten.
    ... ...
  5. Linda began looking for a job a long time agone. She got a job last calendar week.
    ... ...
  6. (write a true sentence about yourself)
    ... ...


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